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Are you looking to get more info on golf lessons, corporate golf events, golf clubs, golf balls, etc.?
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Hours for Lessons on the Driving Range:
Mondays - off
Tuesdays to Fridays - 8:30am to 5:30pm
Saturdays & Sundays - 9:00am to 3:00pm

After Hours Weekdays on the Golf Simulators or Putting Green:
Tuesdays to Thursdays - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Toronto Golf Lesson Location

For people looking for Toronto Golf Lessons we offer golf lessons and corporate events at Metro Golf Sportsplex from January to December.
125 Milner Ave. Scarbrough (Metro Golf Sportsplex)
30 minutes from Bay Street, Toronto
30 minutes from Yorkdale area
30 minutes from Whiby area

Markham Golf Lesson Location

For people looking for Markham Golf Lessons we offer on course golf lessons at Markham Green Golf Club from April to October.
120 Rouge Bank Dr. Markham (Markham Green Golf Club)
40 minutes from Bay Street, Toronto
35 minutes from Yorkdale area
30 minutes from Whiby area
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